The Windows Starter Issue

I admit now with windows 8 we wont see this much but I know some people still unfortunately have the  base Windows starter 7 edition on some netbooks.

What is the issue?  For some strange reason after 180 days starter believes your password is incorrect or expired and will not allow you to log in.

Reset the password using MsDART locksmith and you are good to go again right?

No, well you are temporarily but the problem will come back again.

Unfortunately as well windows starter has much of the basic user password abilities inaccessible so you can’t just edit your users and fix the issue. Oh and forget about gpedit.msc that won’t work either

Luckily though we can use the trusty command prompt to set what most people normally see as a tick next to “Password Never Expires”

The command is simple:
net accounts /MaxPWAge:Unlimited

Once you have done this, you shouldn’t be prompted to set a password in 180 days again and can continue to use your computer as normal.